Yoga Sequencing made easy!
Yoga Sequencing App
Planning and drawing yoga lessons made easy with the Yoga Sequencing App!
Would you like to have an extensive library
of poses for inspiration while designing your
yoga classes?
With our Yoga Sequencing App you have the perfect tool to plan and teach beautiful,
meaningful and above all varied yoga classes.

There are over 3'000 yoga images available in the Yoga Sequencing App, including poses with yoga props such as a strap, blocks and wheel, chair yoga poses and yoga trapeze poses.
There are also 'extras', i.e. e.g. images for
• number of minutes, repetitions, breaths etc.
• Chakras
• Bandhas
• Pranayamas
• Essential oils
• Sanskrit dictionary
• and much more.
With the practical search function, you can easily find the pose you you're looking for in the Yoga Sequencing app.
Drag and drop the poses into your document and add paragraphs with and without paragraph headers and / or paragraph footers.
There is also a 'Text Spacer Images' Box available, which also allows you to add texts and comments, spacers and your own images.
The number of poses per line and the size of their display are decided by +/- buttons and can be adjusted at any time.
All flows you draw with the Yoga Sequencing App, can be displayed with or without
• yoga mat
• pose names (German, English or Sanskrit)
You can personalize your flows in the Yoga Sequencing App with
• your logo
• yoga class name
• yoga teacher name
• sequence title
• sequence description
• notes
You can use the Yoga Sequencing App to display and design your flows exactly as you wish.
The pictures we have drawn for the Yoga Sequencing App are based on the stick figures that you've learned to draw in your yoga teacher training.
They are so discreet, that a PDF flows can easily lie next to your mat during teaching.
All this enables you to draw and teach new, inventive yoga classes all the time.

The yoga lessons you draw are saved by the Yoga Sequencing App and can be managed as documents in the «Files» app. This means, that they can be exported, printed and shared as PDF's.
And the best thing is, that this Yoga Sequencing App adapts to you.
If you should not find a pose you are looking for in the app, just send a picture or a detailed description to info@yoganista.ch and we will do our best to make the pose available in the app as soon as possible.
This is how the Yoga Sequencing App constantly adapts to your needs and grows and grows ...
Please see all the advantages and features of our Yoga Sequencing App, with the free download including 70 pictures.
Download the
from the App store and test the app with the 70 images provided:
We are working on programming for Android, but it will take a while...
You can see the price for the annual subscription in the App Store:
scroll down to 'In-App Purchases'
open the drop down menu
the price for your country will be shown to you